Quality Assurance

Our in-house experts use smart systems and cutting edge technology, including cloud based project and cost management systems and OpenSpace 360 photo documentation. The result? Everything we build is of the highest quality and the build process is completely transparent for clients and consultants.
Site Inspections & Audits
Weekly site inspections and monthly audits are conducted to monitor the effectiveness of the controls that have been implemented to mitigate hazards. All communications are logged using Procore.
Site Management
Site Managers and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all staff and subcontractors are inducted prior to beginning work and their performance continues to meet all health and safety standards.
Communication & Documentation
Project management and associated documentation is handled through the Procore Quality Assurance platform, which enables direct communication and sharing of documents between parties.
Compliance Management
Teak Construction Group has a full-time compliance manager responsible for collating all documentation relating to Code Compliance Certification as well as Code of Public Use applications.
Safe Work Method Statement
The Safe Work Method Statement systematically documents the step-by-step process that is needed for a work task to be undertaken safely and with minimum harm to the environment. It outlines the legislation, standards, and codes to be complied with.
Management Review
We regularly review the effectiveness of our policies, procedures, and systems to support the minimisation of serious harm risks and hazards to our stakeholders, through continuous improvement and by applying good practice guidelines.
Staff Training & Qualifications
Teak Construction Group will consider what training is required during new worker inductions and for certain tasks, as well as relevant formal qualifications workers could obtain e.g. unit standards from NZQA.
Health & Safety Committee
The role of the Health and Safety Committee includes identifying risks and hazards in the workplace and assisting in developing standards, rules, policies, or procedures to mitigate them.
Not all buildings are created the same
Teak Construction Group is one of Auckland’s most experienced and versatile construction companies. We can can deliver projects of the highest quality on time, and on budget.
Need a construction company you can trust? You need Teak Construction Group.
More about Teak Construction Group
Delivered Projects
Delivered Projects
Teak Construction Group undertakes a variety of project types, from low-rise to multi-story, that range in size and value. At any one-time Teak Construction Group is carrying out multiple projects concurrently, with over 500 completed projects since its formation in 1992.
The foundations of a successful partnership starts here
Let our team be apart of your successful project