Environmentally Conscious

We have a minimal effect on the environment with every build. We are a member of NZ’s Green Building Council and implement best practice sustainable standards.
Asbestos Contaminated Material
Teak Construction Group notes that all forms of asbestos are hazardous and can cause illness. Should asbestos be identified, all requirements of the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulation 2016 and related approved codes of practice are to be met.
Dust & Silt Mitigation
Dust and silt mitigation may be required during excavation works on the site. Alongside compliance with Auckland Council regulations and requirements, we consider and implement controls to mitigate the dust and silt produced from the site works.
Storm Water & Sediment Control
There is potential for sediment from construction works to be washed into the storm water system. Teak Construction Group recognises this and implements measures to limit the discharge of sediment laden water.
Removal of Waste Material
Measures are put in place to ensure the proper transportation of all demolition materials and waste.
Construction Noise Management
Teak Construction Group will implement a noise management plan to identify the construction activities and any nearly noise sensitive activities and provide measures to appropriately manage or mitigate those impacts.
Vibration Hazards
Teak Construction Group recognizes that vibration associated with demolition can be intrusive and disturbing. The effective management of such vibration is essential to avoid unreasonable effects on neighbouring businesses and individuals.
Underground Services
All reasonably practicable steps and controls will be considered and be in place to allow the job to be completed safely.
Environmental Sustainability
Teak Construction Group is committed to minimizing the impact on the environment as well as to protecting the health and safety of our workers and the communities in which we operate.
Not all buildings are created the same
Teak Construction Group is one of Auckland’s most experienced and versatile construction companies. We can can deliver projects of the highest quality on time, and on budget.
Need a construction company you can trust? You need Teak Construction Group.
More about Teak Construction Group
Delivered Projects
Teak Construction Group undertakes a variety of project types, from low-rise to multi-story, that range in size and value. At any one-time Teak Construction Group is carrying out multiple projects concurrently, with over 500 completed projects since its formation in 1992.
The foundations of a successful partnership starts here
Let our team be apart of your successful project