Health & Safety

Teak Construction Group are industry leaders in health and safety. We are one of the first contractors in the country to have a site certified by Mates in Construction and our dedicated H & S manager constantly maintains and lifts standards across our entire business.
Site Specific Safety Plan
The SSSP describes the health and safety strategy, methods, controls and requirements of how health and safety is to be managed on all Teak Construction Group project sites. Weekly site inspections and monthly safety audits are conducted.
Training & Competency
All employees are given safety training as well as information booklets. Ongoing training is provided, including site-by-site assessments of any unique risks.
Risk Assessment
All expected risks and hazards are identified, assessed, and logged in Teak Construction Group’s Risk Register. The safety of all workers and the public in the vicinity of the site, who may be affected by the works being undertaken is considered.
Emergency Planning
In case of emergency, the project team will follow Teak Construction Group’s Emergency Management Plan. A fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and spill kit is required on every site, and hazardous substances will be managed in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.
Permit to Work
Through a Permit to Work system, we provide a detailed process that protects people, equipment/assets, and the environment from adverse effects of critical or high-risk activities. This is achieved through ensuring work activities are performed in a controlled and coordinated manner.
Site Signage
Signage is placed around the site at appropriate locations to ensure all required information is conveyed. This includes construction signs and a risk board at the main entrance, that are updated weekly to identify all current significant risks and hazards and indicate the best process for managing them.
Plant, Equipment & Vehicles
Teak Construction Group will provide personal protective equipment suitable to workers’ needs and ensure workers are instructed in its correct use. Workers who use a Teak Construction Group vehicle or operate plant and equipment must hold valid associated licenses.
Management Review
We regularly review the effectiveness of our policies, procedures and systems to support the minimisation of serious harm risks and hazards to our stakeholders, through continuous improvement and by applying good practice guidelines.
Not all buildings are created the same
Teak Construction Group is one of Auckland’s most experienced and versatile construction companies. We can can deliver projects of the highest quality on time, and on budget.
Need a construction company you can trust? You need Teak Construction Group.
More about Teak Construction Group
Delivered Projects
Teak Construction Group undertakes a variety of project types, from low-rise to multi-story, that range in size and value. At any one-time Teak Construction Group is carrying out multiple projects concurrently, with over 500 completed projects since its formation in 1992.
The foundations of a successful partnership starts here
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